Black and White Clown Fish
The Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish, also known as the Black Perc, Black Percula Clown Anemonefish, or Black and White False Percula Clown and is normally found in association with anemones on the reefs of the Coral Sea. It can be found individually, or more commonly, in pairs or small groups within the same anemone such as Heteractis magnifica or Stichodactyla mertensii. These captive-bred clownfish grow to a maximum size of 3 inches in the aquarium, and may be kept singly or in groups.
The Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish is very distinctive with its jet-black body and three white stripes on each side. They are very hardy and are perfect for the novice or seasoned aquarist.
The Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish is a good candidate for a reef aquarium. If introduced to the aquarium at the same time, many varieties of tank raised clowns can be maintained together in the aquarium.
Captive-bred clownfish are easy to breed in the home aquarium. The females will be the largest of the pair, and two fish will usually stay close to each other in the aquarium. These fish are egg layers and will deposit the eggs on a flat surface, and defend the eggs from other tank mates. The eggs will normally hatch in 6-11 days depending on the temperature. The fry must be reared in a separate aquarium on a diet of rotifers then baby brine shrimp.
Captive-bred clownfish are omnivores, requiring both meaty foods as well as some greens in their diet. A high quality marine flake food, rich in spirulina algae, as well as freeze dried and frozen foods are readily accepted.
Maximum Length:
3"Care Level:
Easy - Semi-aggressiveFamily:
PomacentridaeReef Compatibility:
GoodMinimum Aquarium Size:
20 gal.Origin:
OmnivoreWater Conditions:
72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025